The Zero Sum mindset is ubiquitous and deadly. It maintains that all human transactions are a competition where inevitably one side must win and one side must loose. The Zero Sum mindset denies any possibility of collaboration from which all sides benefit. As a consequence decisions are taken that pose serious threats to world stability and may constitute existential threats now or in the future. Don’t take our word for it click here to read what a group of Cambridge University researchers have to say.

Policy makers ranging from parish councillors to global leaders, business leaders, dynastic tyrants and the delusional founders of the giant digital-technology companies that seek to control and own our lives are convinced that unless they “win” they, and all mankind, will crash and burn.

The Zero Sum Podcast sets out to confront & dispute with those who adopt the Zero Sum mindset and applaud & support those who work to overthrow it. The podcast will identify how changes in the zero-sum mindset can help us deal with climate change, war, inequality, prejudice, pollution, tyranny, global health threats and the rest of the issues that threaten us today. Our contributors are serial complainers but they are also tasked with offering possible solutions.

The podcast is at home on Spotify but found on the other usual platforms. The Zero Sum Podcast is free to listen to and free of advertising and sponsorship. We rely on the members of the Zero Sum Supporters Group to survive. Go here to find out about member benefits.

The Zero Sum Podcast team is, ever so slightly, obsessed with the lies, fake news and misleading data published by politicians, their support groups and their media empires. As a result they sometimes cry ENOUGH and devote an entire edition to shaming the shameless. The comments function attached to these special editions provides a platform for those like us who feel that too many mainstream news and opinion sources serve unsavoury vested interests and as a consequence have lost the plot.