There is no charge for becoming a member of the Zero Sum Supporters Club.

  • Members get bonus editions of both of our podcasts

  • Members can nominate and vote for the losers in the annual Spades Awards.

  • Members get priority booking and discounted tickets for all Zero Sum Events including the annual awards ceremony and party. The awards ceremony is a unique event where the winners are called losers and rarely if ever turn up to collect their awards and where the organisers encourage the guests to boo as the losers are announced.

  • Members get a monthly Members only edition of BILE with bonus content

  • Members are invited to submit content to BILE

  • Members get discounts on the highly desirable merchandise available from the Zero Sum store.

  • In early 2025 we will start to make short video interviews (recorded remotely by those clever people at Code Light & Content) with members who want to be mean to (or just ridicule) people or organisations that tell lies and exhibit the Zero Sum mindset.